Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mosquitto Netting

People have been asking me what I've been doing in preparations for "the big race." To be honest, I've been doing many of the things that I've been wanting to get to for years but never found the time for them to inch up to the top of my famous and ever-growing "to do list."

One of the big projects was to build a mosquito netting. This netting is made from "no-see-ums" fabric to keep the little critters out. I sewed a nylon webbing around the netting and ran lead-shot along the bottom and sewed it into each section. Along the top and sides I attached turn-buckle eyes that match the dodger and bimony. These same turn-buckles are used for our new weather enclosure made by Aldo Upholstery. These same turn-buckles will one day sport shade sections. The concept is one measurement of turn-buckles that can do oh so many things for us!

When we get somewhere with bugs I'll sit in the cockpit at sunset and see if my work was any good (benedryl at the ready just in case).

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