Thursday, January 22, 2009

Getting Our Fishing Gear Together

One of the challenges on the PV race is a fishing derby for the Non-Spinnaker class boats. The organizers plan to give us a disposable camera with which we'll take pictures of the fish we catch, and the organizers will give an award for the biggest fish caught on the trip.

Now, I doubt we'll match the guys on the left here, but we do plan to take part in the derby. For one thing, some fresh Mahi-Mahi or Yellowtail would be nice to eat. But beyond that, we all spent $37 each on Mexican fishing licenses for the duration of the trip.

So I'm bringing my super-duper 8-foot ocean fishing pole and my brother in law Andrew sent me some killer lures. I went out yesterday and bought some "Mooching Rigs" - a 2-hook setup designed to be used with these little rubber squid things. The guys at the fishing shop assure me that the ocean fish are so aggressive that they'll hit these things with impunity.

To avoid hassles in the security line, I'll pick up a gaff hook and/or a long-handled net when I get to L.A. Sensible, yes?

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