Thursday, October 30, 2008

Reflections from PV Seminar #1

The first seminar reviewed the history of the race (it’s the oldest continuously run race on the west coast), the format for this year (four legs), and introduced us to some things we can do as soon as the race ends (hey, no need to rush back to LA? Consider all the wonderful local anchorages).

We got a short course on anchoring in the local conditions (bow and aft anchors are a good idea) and the importance of protecting against line-chafe.

Some interesting safety notes I learned:
  • We will be escorted (using radar) by the Mexican Navy
  • We will be in daily communication with our DRYC escorts by radio
  • If we are going slower than 4 knots we can use our engine (just follow the reporting requirements we’ll learn soon)
  • We can communicate about local happenings through the radio net, channel 22.
  • In case of emergencies we can get back to Los Angeles from each of the stops along the way.
Last year’s winning boat was kind enough to share a video they put together on their experience. Looks like they had a great time – no “victory at sea” situation there. Our boat has many more comforts, but it’s a wee-bit slower. Got me thinking about meals to prepare ahead of time, ways to mark the end of each leg of the race and the sailing skills I want to practice lots before we leave.

As I look over my “things to do” list that grows as quickly as it shrinks I’m wondering which of these tasks can I live without since I doubt everything will get done… but then, that’s what cruising is all about!

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